How long does it take for my order to arrive?

Products are generally shipped from our international warehouses. We have excluded the middleman in order to offer the best price. As a result, items can take anywhere from 7 to 13 business days to arrive, although lately shipping times are much faster. We offer a money back guarantee if your item has not arrived 45 business days after shipment.

*With the Covid-19 emergency, packages may take a few more days to arrive. Please do not worry and contact our customer service if necessary.


How quickly will my order be shipped?

Orders usually ship within 2-4 business days, sometimes even sooner.You will receive an email when your order has been shipped.If you cannot find your shipping email or think you have deleted it, please contact us at *store support email* and we will inform you in real time whether your order has been shipped or not.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit and debit cards, such as Visa, Mastercard and AmericanExpress. You can also pay with PayPal

.I ordered 2 or more items, why did I only receive one?

If you order multiple items at the same time, they may be shipped separately as the products are shipped from different warehouses. It is possible to receive one item before the other. So don't panic if you don't receive all of your items at once.... the other one is on its way!

My order hasn't arrived yet, can you help me?

If your order has taken more than 45 business days to ship, please contact us and we will take care of it. We offer a money back guarantee or we will arrange for your order to be reshipped. Again, please feel free to contact us.

How secure is my data?

You will see the "https" icon in the top left corner of your screen. This ensures that your data will be sent securely to our staff who will take care of the shipment of your order.

Do you offer after-sales support?
Of course we do. Our team offers 24/7 after-sales service.